Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hexagon Love

Have you ever had a desire to create something yet you can't get motivated to do it? That's where I am creatively. My mind thinks of so many ideas but I can't seem to get past the thinking and in to the doing! In hopes that will change if given the right motivation, I have put together a collage of inspiration found through Pinterest for hexagons. Yes, I know they are done over and over and no, I haven't ever tried them. But...I love the idea of something portable and something new to try. I am planning to try English Paper Piecing method. I have searched for tutorials and there is such a quick tutorial video series done by Texas Freckles that I found to be helpful. Melanie even has printable hexagon sheets to download. So, what do you think? Have you tried EPP hexagons before? 

Blueberry Park has one of my favorite large hexagon projects. 

Stitches and Scissors has this adorable zippered pouched featuring hexies.

How adorable is this wall hanging by Sunflower Seeds?

clair101 has a entire file of hexagon flowers. Isn't this little owl fun?

And that is just a hint of what is out there to inspire me!

I still haven't decided what I will make but the ideas are churning. Now, if only I can get the scissors, needle and thread to cooperate! :)


  1. I love hexagons too but never really tried any serious hexi fabric crafting. I want to... I just haven't found the time (or motivation) either :). I did do a cheater paper hexagon project a while back and I don't think that counts.

    Looking forward to seeing what you create!

  2. I admire your creativity....sewing to me, is next to cleaning my oven...I don't like it nor do it often. But I can't wait to see what you come up with...once you get going. =)

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