Monday, February 2, 2009

It's Monday

It was a great weekend! Both my kids home, we are all feeling better physically, we celebrated Cody's birthday, we were able to worship at church after a three week illness hiatus, and my guys watched the Super Bowl together. :) I am not a football fan and really don't understand the football lingo but I am a Stan and Cody fan, so while they watched the game, I was able to get three patterns all trimmed, folded and put back in the envelopes. That has helped me be a little bit ahead for the week.

My week's plan for sewing:
Make a bag for a special friend; it is a birthday gift.
Make my niece her "bumpy" robe out of minky fabric.
Make more hair barrettes.

Get to the store and buy: Butterick pattern B5181, McCalls patterns M5652 and M5317. All patterns my almost 20 year old has requested for the summer. Sundresses, that will keep her stay cool if she stays in Charleston for the summer or gets the job in California, she has applied for.

But today is cleaning day. Change sheets, laundry, bathrooms. You know, all those weekly chores. If I get it all done today, I get to play tomorrow.

See you in my sewing room. :)

1 comment:

  1. Have fun cleaning and sewing! Don't you love what you do? I know you do.


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