Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Two years ago, August 13 2007, my husband and I had a very close friend who was killed in a tragic work accident. Wade was truly part of our family. He and his wife, Connie, are 12 years older than Stan and me. They were that far ahead in the marriage and parenting part of their life. We have turned to them for wise and godly advice on more than one occasion. We still miss Wade, as does his wife, children and grandchildren. In our missing him, we are always thankful for the years of friendship and the influence he had in our families lives.

I took this photo of Wade and Connie at the wedding of one of their sons.

1 comment:

  1. Remembering Wade is a precious thing. The life that he and Connie shared is one that we all should strive to live as well!!


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